
Tackling Water Weight Head On

As bodybuilders we have two mortal enemies that can keep us from showing our full potential: body fat and water weight.

Body fat is pretty straightforward when it comes to how we lose and gain weight. Water weight, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated and overall much more sensitive. In my book Rebound Like the Champ, I touch on water weight and I give you dieting tips to help you avoid it altogether.

In all honesty, the only way you can fight bloating from water retention is by fighting it on three fronts: supplements, diet, and water intake in general.

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3 Sleep Tips for Bodybuilders for Optimal Muscle Recovery

3 Sleep Tips for Bodybuilders for Optimal Muscle Recovery

Like everyone else, I enjoy an occasional late night out with friends. This is where memories are made and fun is abundant. You’re probably the same way. However, if you want this to be your normal lifestyle, then bodybuilding may not be the sport for you.

Most people don’t know this, but sleep is the most important time of the day for your body to heal itself. Your brain doesn’t have as many functions to regulate (like when we’re awake), so it can focus on repairing damage and getting ready for the next day. Some of this damage includes microtears in your muscles you created while lifting. Since the healing of these tears is what leads to muscle growth, sleep is absolutely essential.

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