
The Benefits to Building Your Chest

A lot of the people who follow me are either bodybuilders, or hope to become one someday soon. However, I’ve received a lot of feedback from guys who don’t really have an interest in competitive bodybuilding. They just want to improve their overall appearance and strength.

Fortunately, building a big chest benefits both of these groups.

Some of the benefits of building a huge chest are obvious, but others are less well-known. The quickest way to build a competition-worthy chest is to pick up my chest ebook, but here are some reasons why you would want to build your chest in the first place.

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Perfect Your Technique to Build a Massive Chest

In the late summer of last year, I hit the gym for a max chest day, and we brought the cameras along to record the whole thing. If you’re interested in checking it out, it’s at:

The cool thing was that I finally got the chance to work out with the crew from Strength Cartel. I’d been following these guys on social media for a while, and I saw that they all threw up some serious weight. We decided to meet up at the gym and go heavy on some chest exercises.

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