
Five Reasons to Do Front Squats

Squats are probably the single most important exercise for building mass.


Not only do they help you avoid the “skipped leg day” aesthetic, but they also recruit a huge array of muscle groups. Front squats are often overlooked in the modern workout.

Now, I know you’re not skipping legs (right?), but you might be stuck in the back squats only rut. It’s time for you to break out and change your leg routine. I have some great workouts on my site, but today I’m going to give you 5 reasons why you should be incorporating front squats.

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Tackling Water Weight Head On

As bodybuilders we have two mortal enemies that can keep us from showing our full potential: body fat and water weight.

Body fat is pretty straightforward when it comes to how we lose and gain weight. Water weight, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated and overall much more sensitive. In my book Rebound Like the Champ, I touch on water weight and I give you dieting tips to help you avoid it altogether.

In all honesty, the only way you can fight bloating from water retention is by fighting it on three fronts: supplements, diet, and water intake in general.

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Never Skip Leg Day

Everyone has heard that phrase before, and usually together with a photo of a guy who is all buff up top but has legs that might as well be string beans.

As you can see in this video, I take leg day seriously. Once you get signed up to my VIP membership, you’ll get to learn about how you really have to do leg day.

For now, let’s get down to brass tacks: why is leg day so important?

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Enhanced Recovery & Why You Shouldn’t Use It to Increase Training Frequency

There are plenty of different bodybuilding sites nowadays that tout the use of enhanced recovery in order to achieve maximum gains.

Enhanced recovery calls for using different substances and techniques in order to stimulate muscle growth without needing a normal amount of rest. That means that you will have less down time in between workout sessions.

The ultimate goal of enhanced recovery is to increase gains within a shorter period of time, it won’t get you closer to your long-term goals. You, as a bodybuilder, should know straight off the bat that decreasing the rest your body needs is counterintuitive. Not only is it unhealthy, it is also unsustainable. Eventually all that neglect will catch up to you.

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How to Reduce Body Fat While Increasing Muscle

You probably immediately read the title and laughed or sneered.

A lot of people think it’s not very possible to reduce fat and bulk up at the same time. In fact, it sounds outright contradictory.

The problem with this thinking is that bodybuilders have to lose while making gains if they want to be competitive. It’s one of the main banes of our profession because we have to show off pique physical condition with all the vascularity and toning we can get. I have come up with my own technique of simultaneously getting big and slimming down, which is one of the many things you can learn with my VIP Membership.

In the meantime, let me tell you a few ways you can start losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time. It’s possible. I promise.


If nothing else, you should be doing cardio for a healthy body and overall fitness level. The biggest muscle gods can look ripped, but they will probably be in horrible shape if they don’t do cardio. A fantastic physique is great, but health is ultimately more important? In any case, what I’m about to tell you will really get you thinking about cardio.

The main reason why bodybuilders stray away from cardio is because people say it burns more muscle than fat, and this is true, but not always. In reality, you can do cardio up to 6 times a week, but you should alternate between high intensity blasts and slower cardio. Mixing it up really gets your metabolism on edge and over time your body will tap into your fat stores (the slow burning stuff) rather than your muscle (the fast burning stuff for spur of the moment energy).


With cardio, the thing you really need to be concerned about is your energy levels throughout the day. When your energy really sags and you become lethargic, that probably a sign you’re not eating enough calories. If you barely have the energy to go for a short run,

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Welcome to the Gun Show: Our High Rep Arm Workout

I’m a big proponent of focusing on the chest and back when trying to add mass and presence.

But adding a ton of muscle in these areas just won’t look right without adding the requisite size to your arms.

Check out this video of my 1000-rep workout with Jason Poston. Yep, 1000 reps. Yep, all for the arms. That’s it:

With my VIP membership, you can get the routines and muscle-building strategies to smash at the gym and really get your body into competition shape. For now, here are a few tips on how to really complete your bodybuilder profile and build those biceps.

High Rep Workout

There’s a lot of discussion today in and out of the bodybuilding world about how effective high-rep workouts are for your muscles. Personally, I think they are an integral part of building the perfect physique, especially for arm muscles which usually build real quick and easy. As you can see in the video, we go for 4 sets of 25 reps each.

The thing is, you don’t have to do 1000 reps in a day at the gym. We just did that for fun. I know, we’re showoffs, but that’s our job.

Mix Free Weights and Machines

Like the video shows, we use a healthy mix of machines and free weights throughout our workout. This is another controversial thing because a lot of guys will tell you that free weights are the only way to go. That’s fine because they give you a very natural range of motion that builds your muscle for practical purposes.

However, bodybuilding is not practical per se, it’s actually a hobby of making your body as big and bad as you can get. If anything, machines are perfect for the way that the motions concentrate on certain muscles, especially when you are working out your arms.

That doesn’t mean you get to throw away free weights completely. In our 1000 rep workout, we use both because that is how you get a great all around workout.

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3 Sleep Tips for Bodybuilders for Optimal Muscle Recovery

3 Sleep Tips for Bodybuilders for Optimal Muscle Recovery

Like everyone else, I enjoy an occasional late night out with friends. This is where memories are made and fun is abundant. You’re probably the same way. However, if you want this to be your normal lifestyle, then bodybuilding may not be the sport for you.

Most people don’t know this, but sleep is the most important time of the day for your body to heal itself. Your brain doesn’t have as many functions to regulate (like when we’re awake), so it can focus on repairing damage and getting ready for the next day. Some of this damage includes microtears in your muscles you created while lifting. Since the healing of these tears is what leads to muscle growth, sleep is absolutely essential.

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3 Tips for the Ultimate Motivation

Most people think that getting into great shape is as easy as saying, “I’m going to start going to the gym every morning.”

If that were true, there probably wouldn’t be an obesity crisis in America today. The truth is, if you want to work towards a great body, you have to prioritize it.

The truth is, I have days when I just don’t want to do it at all (especially cardio). But bodybuilding is more than just working out when you feel like it. It’s an entire lifestyle that you have to stick to in order to get any results. Take it from me – it’s not easy, but nothing you have to work for is supposed to be easy.

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The Benefits to Building Your Chest

A lot of the people who follow me are either bodybuilders, or hope to become one someday soon. However, I’ve received a lot of feedback from guys who don’t really have an interest in competitive bodybuilding. They just want to improve their overall appearance and strength.

Fortunately, building a big chest benefits both of these groups.

Some of the benefits of building a huge chest are obvious, but others are less well-known. The quickest way to build a competition-worthy chest is to pick up my chest ebook, but here are some reasons why you would want to build your chest in the first place.

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Rear-Delt Training with Jeremy Buendia

Do you want to maximize your workouts? In this video, Jeremy Buendia shares his shoulder workout tips for rear-delts. Perform this rear-delt focused workout 2-3 days before or after your normally scheduled shoulder routine and also keep rear-delt training to a minimum on those days to avoid over-training.

Maximize your workouts with FREE access to my website:

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