
Welcome to the Gun Show: Our High Rep Arm Workout

I’m a big proponent of focusing on the chest and back when trying to add mass and presence.

But adding a ton of muscle in these areas just won’t look right without adding the requisite size to your arms.

Check out this video of my 1000-rep workout with Jason Poston. Yep, 1000 reps. Yep, all for the arms. That’s it:

With my VIP membership, you can get the routines and muscle-building strategies to smash at the gym and really get your body into competition shape. For now, here are a few tips on how to really complete your bodybuilder profile and build those biceps.

High Rep Workout

There’s a lot of discussion today in and out of the bodybuilding world about how effective high-rep workouts are for your muscles. Personally, I think they are an integral part of building the perfect physique, especially for arm muscles which usually build real quick and easy. As you can see in the video, we go for 4 sets of 25 reps each.

The thing is, you don’t have to do 1000 reps in a day at the gym. We just did that for fun. I know, we’re showoffs, but that’s our job.

Mix Free Weights and Machines

Like the video shows, we use a healthy mix of machines and free weights throughout our workout. This is another controversial thing because a lot of guys will tell you that free weights are the only way to go. That’s fine because they give you a very natural range of motion that builds your muscle for practical purposes.

However, bodybuilding is not practical per se, it’s actually a hobby of making your body as big and bad as you can get. If anything, machines are perfect for the way that the motions concentrate on certain muscles, especially when you are working out your arms.

That doesn’t mean you get to throw away free weights completely. In our 1000 rep workout, we use both because that is how you get a great all around workout.

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Arm Training with Jeremy Buendia – Buendia Fitness

Do you want to maximize your workouts? In this video, Jeremy Buendia shares his workout tips for arm training. The main thing to keep in mind regarding arm-training form is to make sure that you really feel your biceps and triceps working when you’re training them.