It’s that time again ladies and gentleman! Shred With Buendia is back and better than ever!

The original Shred Ebook transformed 10,000’s of lives and I’m excited to give you guys a new protocol to push your bodies to a point of becoming NEXT LEVEL SHREDDED!

  • Details on properly calculating your needed daily nutrition for optimizing your Shred results.
  • A detailed supplementation schedule
  • Full video demonstrations of all workouts – making every technique visible

Taught Directly by

the 4x Champ himself!

are you ready for your own transformation?

Learn everything I use for achieving optimal Shredding results!

  • Over the course of the next 12 weeks your body is going to be pushed to its threshold.
  • Your workout program will change every 4 weeks.
  • You will follow the techniques I used to become a 4x Olympia Champion!
  • Remember nothing worth having comes easy!

Keys To Improve Metabolism

First things first, we gotta get your eating on track! There will be structure, it will be very similar from day to day, and we will measure out all of our food.

Monday Check-Ins & Mid Week check-In

Keeping a check on progress is vital. You will do a self check-in every Monday morning. If for some reason, you aren’t seeing the progress needed, mid-week adjustments may be needed.

Are You Ready to Start Shredding like the 4x Olympia Physique Champ?

You can start learning everything I know about shredding by ordering your copy Today.