- Extensive high intensity training variable to challenge you each and every set.
- Incorporate various methods to shock the muscle into growth.
- Utilize nutrition & supplementation secrets to maximize your gains & increase volume.
Over the last decade of bodybuilding, I have learned from experience on what works and what doesn’t. Over the course of my career I have manage to turn my shoulders from my worst body part to my best with the use of the various secrets and techniques I incorporate in this 12 week guide! You will have grasp on techniques to bulk and add size to the shoulders as well as techniques to chisel them down and shred them up! This eBook is the most complete shoulder training eBook available!
The shoulders are important to add the 3-D factor to any physique! With big round bulging shoulders, it will add width and roundness to your physique. Not only that, but having big shoulders will leave you looking massive in t-shirts!
Through each phase of this program, I provide you with a comprehensive supplementation plan to follow that assists with developing solid arm gains.
This eBook is crammed with workout videos and nutrition details directly from Jeremy. Learn proper technique with live video demos for each exercise.