The Benefits to Building Your Chest

A lot of the people who follow me are either bodybuilders, or hope to become one someday soon. However, I’ve received a lot of feedback from guys who don’t really have an interest in competitive bodybuilding. They just want to improve their overall appearance and strength.

Fortunately, building a big chest benefits both of these groups.

Some of the benefits of building a huge chest are obvious, but others are less well-known. The quickest way to build a competition-worthy chest is to pick up my chest ebook, but here are some reasons why you would want to build your chest in the first place.

The Right Kind of Attention

I talked earlier about obvious and not-so-obvious reasons for building your pecs. This one definitely falls into the obvious category.

Throughout the history of civilized society, the primary reason men have tried to build big muscles is to impress the opposite sex. Maybe cavemen needed strong bodies to fight off sabretooth tigers or something, but modern guys don’t need muscles to drive a car or type on a keyboard. It’s all about the ladies.

The good news – girls notice a big chest, and they like it. If you have washboard abs, they don’t show up under a shirt. But your massive chest is “the first thing that walks into a room”. It just creates a presence at first glance that can’t really be matched.

Improved Posture

If you go whole weeks or months at a time without thinking about your posture, you’re not alone. Your posture is just not something you think about until an injury or lingering pain forces you to. Unfortunately, a simple thing like your posture can have a huge effect on your overall health including chronic back and neck pain.

The information age has made things even worse for your posture. Hunching over your computer and smartphone exaggerate posture problems. There’s even a condition known as “text neck”.

Building your chest muscles can help alleviate posture problems when properly mixed with back workouts and proper stretching.

Well-built pecs naturally encourage you stand up straighter and throw your shoulders back when walking or standing. This helps prevent the hunched-over look you see often. Also, when you’re working your chest, you should always be mixing in stretches. I like using a doorway to open up my chest and really get a good stretch pre-workout.

Supercharged Sports Performance

If you’re competing at the sport of bodybuilding, you’re probably competitive by nature. That means you probably play other sports in your spare time. The great thing about building your chest is that it boosts your performance in other sports as well.

If you play softball, that added upper-body strength will transform your warning track power into home run results. Your volleyball spikes will have more zip, you won’t get pushed around on free kicks in soccer, and your golf swing will have added length. Your added strength will make every sport you play more enjoyable.

So we’ve established that growing your pecs is awesome. What are you gonna do now? Well, the quickest path to an eye-popping chest is to pick up my ebook, Building a Legendary Chest. If you follow the diet and step-by-step workouts (with exercise demonstrations by yours truly), you’ll have an unbelievable chest in only 12 short weeks.