Jeremy Buendia Vlog August 26, 2016

Hey everyone so today you kind of get to see a small day in the life. My morning routine, but what I’m pretty excited about is I am meeting up with experts over at Compex who to educate me on they’re muscle stimulating products and how it will help me with my recovery for my upcoming Olympia showdown in 3 weeks. I will also be hitting a workout with friends at FIT NATION.

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Self Belief

Have you ever been in a situation that made you question yourself or your capabilities? Have you been in a spot where you had to take a step back and really ask yourself if you have what it takes? I’m sure many of us have, I know I have had multiple situations in the past few weeks that have left my self-wondering if I’m good enough or worthy.

These questions you are having are normal, the wonder about your capabilities is something that will dwell in the back of your mind until you take the chance to discover them.

Discovering your capability can be a scary thing. A lot of people don’t want to push their threshold or find out what their maximum potential is because they are afraid. Afraid of what, though? Inadequacy? Failure? How is one not already failing when they haven’t even begun trying? In my own definition, failure is the lack of success. Which in turn means if someone hasn’t even made an effort to step forward in the direction of success; then that makes that person more of a failure than someone who stumbles half way on their journey. The only inadequacy comes from the person’s lack of courage to take themselves to the next level. Hockey Legend, Wayne Gretzky stated, “you miss 100% of the shots you never take.” This means that in life you have to go after the things you want, sitting back and watching life pass you by is an automatic loss. In order to become successful, you have to take risks and make sacrifices. If challenges weren’t in the way of our success it would take away from the glory of what we have accomplished. In the end, we need to thank the challenges and the obstacles, they only make our achievements taste that much sweeter.
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Jeremy Buendia Video Log August 11, 2016 with The Strength Cartel

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Hey, everyone so I vlogged a bit about how excited I was to get a bench workout with The Strength Cartel. They are huge in the competitive lifting scene, and today we did some heavy hitting on the weights. I also found some great lighting on my porch lol. Full video coming soon.


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