3 Sleep Tips for Bodybuilders for Optimal Muscle Recovery

3 Sleep Tips for Bodybuilders for Optimal Muscle Recovery

Like everyone else, I enjoy an occasional late night out with friends. This is where memories are made and fun is abundant. You’re probably the same way. However, if you want this to be your normal lifestyle, then bodybuilding may not be the sport for you.

Most people don’t know this, but sleep is the most important time of the day for your body to heal itself. Your brain doesn’t have as many functions to regulate (like when we’re awake), so it can focus on repairing damage and getting ready for the next day. Some of this damage includes microtears in your muscles you created while lifting. Since the healing of these tears is what leads to muscle growth, sleep is absolutely essential.

In my VIP Membership program, I go through a lot about the ideal routine for building your body. But you can’t do it without proper sleep. If you are having trouble sleeping or you are really trying to get into a sleep schedule that suits your lifestyle, then here are some tips to get disciplined and help you sleep (and grow) at night.

Follow Your Diet to the T

In this case, the “T” means time, because you really have to schedule the times you eat every day. That means if you eat breakfast at 6:00 AM and you have dinner at 6:00 PM, you need to make sure you follow that pattern every single day. The reason is that our bodies like a routine, and working against that routine can really throw things out of whack.

While we’re on time, you need to make sure you eat at least two hours before going to bed. Your body simultaneously releases nutrients while digesting the food you have eaten, which means you will feel an energy kick an hour or so after eating. While you might get the urge to sleep immediately after eating, resist this urge for more restful sleep.


If you realized you forgot to take a supplement during the day, don’t try to catch up at night. Just wait until the next day. Missing one dose really won’t mess up your muscle growth, so chill. Taking a supplement at night is risky because your body chemistry might end up working against your urge to sleep and you’ll end up tossing and turning at night.


In following with your diet schedule, you also need to look at your overall daily schedule, especially when it comes to sleep. A person, on average, needs at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night. Elite athletes often require even more – 8 to 10 hours. That might seem like a lot, but when you are working your body to the max at the gym, it will need it.


The time you take to sleep is the time your body takes to repair your muscles. So basically, more sleep means bigger muscles.

These tips are just a few of the best ways you can get a good night’s sleep while you are working out. If you want help with everything concerning building your best body and your best self, check out my VIP Membership program. You won’t be disappointed.