3 Tips for the Ultimate Motivation

Most people think that getting into great shape is as easy as saying, “I’m going to start going to the gym every morning.”

If that were true, there probably wouldn’t be an obesity crisis in America today. The truth is, if you want to work towards a great body, you have to prioritize it.

The truth is, I have days when I just don’t want to do it at all (especially cardio). But bodybuilding is more than just working out when you feel like it. It’s an entire lifestyle that you have to stick to in order to get any results. Take it from me – it’s not easy, but nothing you have to work for is supposed to be easy.

If you can stay motivated, especially with a rock-solid plan like my VIP Membership, then you’ll get phenomenal results. Here are some tips to keep motivated, both in and out of the gym.

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

Sports clichés are overused, but the truth is that this saying is probably going to be your go-to phrase for your bodybuilding career. That’s right, it’s a career. Bodybuilding is something you have to commit to.

That being said, the first rule of keeping motivated while going to the gym every day is to set goals for yourself. In baseball, when you go up to bat, your goal is to hit the ball hard. In bodybuilding, your metaphorical ball is your ideal weight, size, body fat percentage, or whatever you might be aiming for.

Don’t Be Afraid to Look in the Mirror

There’s a saying that goes, “The mirror doesn’t lie.” I find the mirror is often more truthful than even the scale. The mirror will show your flaws and tell you what you need to work on.

Also, as humans in modern society, we’re vain creatures. It’s way more effective to tell someone to quit smoking because they’re skin is looking bed than to tell them they might die in 20 years. The way we look is a huge motivator.

So if you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see, you’ll feel a push to change it. Don’t just glance, really linger.  Stand at different angles. And if you think you look amazing, it’s motivation to stay that way.

Workout Buds

Going to the gym with a buddy or two will probably be your biggest motivator. It’s called accountability, and it’s incredibly powerful.

If you don’t feel like working out that day, but you know you’re supposed to meet your friend at the gym, you’ll go. There is a sense in people to not want to let others down. The other person will remind you of the commitment you made and should follow through with.

Bodybuilding, like other sports, is more fun as a team. So recruit a friend of two and push each other to be the best.

Motivation is a huge key to getting what you want in life. But don’t just leave it up to how you feel on any particular day. Set goals, review them, and create systems (like friends) to keep you on track. I created my VIP Membership program to push you to achieve greatness. It includes workout and diet tips, a motivational video, and tons more to help you build the physique you’ve always wanted.