Reminiscing 2016 & Visualizing Success In 2017

As I sit here reminiscing 2016, and visualizing my success in 2017, I can’t help but look back at all the ups and downs I have had. I’ve seen the highs and lows and how each experience has molded and sculpted my life for a specific reason. Every single obstacle, every single success was a stepping stone to where I stand today. So much has been accomplished, yet so much more is still out there to conquer.

2016 was a year that was designed to make me or break me. I faced a lot of personal battles that could have easily thrown me off my game, but yet I managed to grind thru and learn from the adversity. 2016 was a setup year. It was year of growth and hard work where I didn’t get to reap the benefits to the fullest. A lot of hard work with not a lot in return but the lesson that was learned was that patience is key; that is what I was able to take away.

I had a lot of things that challenged my character and I was put infant of a lot situations that would cause most to turn their back on their goals. But that’s not who I am, nor who I was brought up to be. My circle has gotten smaller as my name has grown bigger. The distractions have climbed but my self-discipline has as well. No longer am I a kid where it’s okay to “mess up”, as an adult we have to make calculated and educated decisions because as an adult a single choice can change your life in a blink of an eye.

my first ever Olympia being awarded by President Manion - Jeremy Buendia Fitness

My first ever Olympia being awarded by President Manion!

2016 I felt was my time to make a statement. 1 win is an accomplishment, but some say was a gift. 2 wins impacted the industry, but left some saying it was a fluke. 3 wins was a statement that left people eating their words. I have worked my ass off since I can remember. Always being told I was undersized, always being told I was the underdog. The difference maker was never allowing myself to believe what others told me I was. I’ve known who I am, and what I am capable of. This life I have been living has been part of an action plan that I have created since a young age. Constant success. Constant improvement. And a will so strong to be on top that any obstacle in my way was already an illusion of the past before it came across my face.

The passion and will to win is something that cannot be taught or learned. It is a fire that is lit at birth and I believe that only a certain type of person is granted this gift. More common that not people let their gifts go to waste. Sometimes people fail to ever recognize their gift or even understand their potential. For me, I remind myself daily of who I am, what I’ve accomplished, and what I am capable of. You won’t catch me sleeping on my opponents, but you sure as hell can catch me out working them.

2017 is not a year to put myself on cruise control. I worked long and hard in 2016 to set up an even more successful upcoming year. My expectations for myself are far greater than they ever have been, and I can guarantee that my threshold will be pushed to new heights day in and day out. As I approach the first of the year, I sit here calm and collected. With a determination and vision of number 4 within my grasp. Hungry to step foot into the gym to face my counterpart day after day.

I can see myself in the reflection of the mirror, a deserved champion. Someone who put his heart and soul into every minute of this legendary journey that was laid out for myself. Every set, every rep, and every workout will be accounted for and I will hold myself to my own highest standards. 2017 will be a year of greatness, a year to maximize my potential, a year to maximize my growth, and most important MAXIMIZE MY GAINS in all realms of my life! NO RETREAT! NO SURRENDER! IM BRINGING A WAR TO THE OLYMPIA STAGE! #war4four #MAXIMUMGAINS #EVOGENELITE