
November GainsGiving 1920x650


Are you ready to take on #GainsGiving?

It’s easy to slip up on training during the holidays, so for the month of November, I’m giving you an extra push with #GainsGiving!
I want you to stay on top of your training, and to hold you accountable, I’m asking you to share your progress on social media! All throughout November, I want you to post about what type of training you are doing, post photos of your progress, and encourage others to get those gains! Working through one of my ebooks? Share a tweet about where you are in the program! Meeting with a #TeamBuendia coach? Post on Facebook about how they are helping you reach your goals! Use the #GainsGiving hashtag and keep coming back to this page to rack up more points. The more points you earn, the better chance you have of winning one of the 3 prizes. The top point earner gets a 30 minute one on one Skype session with me, amongst other things.

There are several ways to earn points

1. Purchases on*
a. ebooks – 5 points per ebook
b. Coaching – 10 points per plan
c. Membership – 2 points for being a member during November. (Current memberships will get an automatic entry!)

2. Social Media Posts
For all social media entries, see the Gleam widget below. You can rack up points all month long by completing different actions.

*Points earned through sales do NOT need to be entered on Gleam – my team will track those for you.

So what are you waiting for? Get started with #GainsGiving today – get those gains AND those points!

Gains Giving